Tradgedy in Macbeth

According to the classical view, tragedy need to arouse feelings of pity and worry in the audience. Does Macbeth do this?

Tragedy has most surely influenced the viewer’s thoughts on Macbeth inside this play. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the audience sees a gradual breakdown in the character of Macbeth himself, due to the tragic events that unfold in the course of the play. This has a direct impact on the audience’s views and thoughts of Macbeth, hence making pity and fear within the audience. Macbeth, becoming a man and a human getting himself, is in-clined to some types of temptation, to which man himself has rather typically succumbed. The guilt that Mac-beth experiences just after the death of his beloved King Duncan also skilled in just about every human’s life, offers the viewer a great deal pity for Macbeth, as they also felt sorrow for the incorrect outcome in succumbing to tempta-tion. The sword appearing in front of Macbeth’s eyes during [II.i.37] provides both fear and pity for Macbeth. The death of Banquo, which was ordered by Macbeth, offers the audience worry for the extreme lengths Mac-beth will go to. Then only a scene later the audience witnesses a paranoid Macbeth visualises the ‘ghost’ of Banquo. The audience felt sorrow and pity for Macbeth, following the announcement that his wife had died. Lastly in the death of Macbeth at the finale of the play, the audience has a final ounce of pity to give to Macbeth.

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